The Forum for Nonprofits: Countywide Concussion Care Inititative

The Forum for Nonprofits: Countywide Concussion Care Inititative

Posted on April 20, 2013by 


David Goldstein, a passionate soccer player at Ransom High School in Miami, suffered headaches, nausea and fatigue for months before finally learning that he suffered symptoms related to a concussion.   More than 300,000 high school students like David suffer from sports-related concussions each yearListen to find out how David transformed his experience into the Countywide Concussion Care Initiative, a program that helps increase awareness about how to prevent and treat concussions and provides a computer-based testing program to public schools in Miami-Dade County.  The ImPACT Test is acomputer program that uses a baseline testing system to diagnose concussions.   David’s mother, Cheryl, also discusses her experience as a parent who didn’t know the signs of a concussion or how to get her son help.  She supports David in his drive to educate parents, coaches and players about the dangers of concussions.  Find out how this initiative is spreading throughout South Floridaand how you can helpCall the University of Miami Sports Medicine Department at 305-689-5500, or visit the Countywide web site here. To listen to the program in a new window, click hereCountywide Concussion Care. 4/21/13