- Cross-cultural adaptation and preliminary validation of the Arabic version of the Rosenbaum Concussion Knowledge and Attitudes Survey - Student Version (RoCKAS-ST-A)
- Concussion disrupts brain synchrony: Evidence from interactive metronome on young children with persisting symptoms and prolonged recovery post-concussion
- Years of play alter MRI measures of brain health in former Canadian Football League athletes: a pilot study
- Using eye-tracking technology to measure cognitive function in mild traumatic brain injury: A scoping review
- A mixed methods investigation into athletic trainer and dietitian's nutrition practices for sport-related concussion patients
- Inversion position testing in concussed athletes
- Diagnostic tools for return-to-play decisions in sports-related concussion
- Do concussed and non-concussed head trauma individuals have similar symptoms? A retrospective chart review of chronic post-concussive symptomatology
- Providing a clearer insight into how sport-related concussion and physical pain impact mental health, cognition, and quality of life
- Vestibular/ocular motor screening (VOMS) score for identification of concussion in cases of non-severe head injury: A systematic review
- Parents’/guardians’ experiences with their adolescents’ prolonged recovery from a sport-related concussion
- The incidence and severity of symptoms similiar to peristing concussion symptoms in neurologically healthy individuals in aotearoa New Zealand
- Validation of an accelerometer-based gait assessment: Establishing test-retest reliability, convergent validity, and predictive validity for concussion symptom endorsement
- The impact of riboflavin on the duration of sport-related concussion: A randomized placebo-controlled trial
- Neuroimaging correlates of syndromal depression following traumatic brain injury: A systematic review of the literature
Source : Reuters